
The impact and damage left by child abuse can last a lifetime and extend into future generations.  It is the responsibility of the school and it’s employees to report suspected child abuse and neglect.  


  • Every employee of Gaglardi Academy, under the “Child Abuse and Neglect Policy For Employees”, is required to review the school’s policy yearly.

Duty to Report

  • Any employee with reason to suspect or believe that a child needs protection has a duty to report directly to a child welfare worker.  Please refer to the Gaglardi emergency contacts list for the phone number of the Ministry of Children and Family Development or phone 1-800-663-9122.
  • Informing another person (ie colleague or principal) does not discharge your legal duty to report directly to a child welfare worker.
  • The legal duty to report overrides any duty of confidentiality except when it contravenes a solicitor-client relationship or the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
  • In BC, under the Child, Family and Community Service Act (CFCSA), a child is anyone under the age of 19.

Appointed School Official – ASO

  • Independent schools are required to nominate at least two ASO’s (primary & alternate) who are responsible for working with child care workers to determine whether a child has been harmed by anyone who works, volunteers, or contracts with Gaglardi Academy.
    • Primary ASO – Caron Mulgrew
    • Alternate ASO – Chris McKague

Duties of the Primary ASO

  • Investigate where appropriate on behalf of the school authority.
  • Ensure a safe school environment during investigations.
  • Consult with the child welfare worker or police.
  • Ensure that no Gaglardi employee interferes with investigations.
  • Communicate with parents on actions taken by the school authority.
  • Report to the TRB when a school authority dismisses, suspends or otherwise disciplines a certified teacher or school principal.
  • Refer impacted students to counseling according to school policies.

Duties of the Alternate ASO

To ensure the continuity of reporting and investigation process when the primary ASO

  • Commits the offence.
  • Is unable to fulfill duties because of illness.
  • Is unfit to fulfill duties because of objectivity or close personal relationship with those involved.


Responding to Child Abuse Protocol updated – January 9, 2018, November 30, 2021, January 11, 2022.