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The Hot Lunch Ordering System is NOW OPEN for MAY/JUNE 2024 Hot Lunch. It's a convenient way to ensure your child's lunch is taken care of. The system will remain open for orders until noon on Wednesday, May 1! 

PLEASE REMEMBER that once the system for ordering is closed, it will NOT be reopened. There are a lot of moving parts with the hot lunch program and we do our best to keep it running smoothly. Opening the system post close-date creates confusion and potential for missed orders. Thanks for understanding! 

There will be no hot lunch on May 1 (PD Day), May 17 (May Long Weekend) or May 24 (K-7 Track). 

Grade 2-3 Parents, please note! The Grade 2/3 Students will be going to MARS Wildlife Rescue on May 31 and will NOT be at the school for hot lunch. Please do NOT order a menu item for your Grade 2/3 child on that date. 

The last hot lunch of the year will be June 21/24! 

A reminder that PayPal, Cash or Cheque accept payments. If paying by cash or cheque, please submit your payment to the office by Tuesday, October 31, @ noon. Cash must be in an envelope CLEARLY labelled "Hot lunch" and your/your child's name. Cheques can be made payable to NCES PAC.  Please note: E-transfer to the school is NOT accepted for hot lunch payments. 

Last thing! Each Friday, we will offer a selection of "concession items" at the hot lunch table. Each item will be priced between $1-$3, and the proceeds will go directly to PAC. So, if you feel like sending your kids a couple of extra bucks if you missed ordering hot lunch or maybe just because it's FRIYAY, they can choose from items like chips, fruit bars, ramen noodles, fishy crackers and more!! 

Thanks so much for your continued support of PAC! We couldn't do it without you.