If you are ordering Cobs Bread festive scones or tarts, please return your 

order form (Order Form #2) and money to the office by the end of Monday, 

December 14. Your treats will be ready for pick-up at the school on 

December 17. Please note that any other orders from Order Form #1 are to be 

submitted directly to Cobs Bread.  The Grade 12 Missions Class would like 

to recycle your bottles and cans for you! All proceeds go to this year's 

missions trip and to support Juma's World in Tanzania. You can drop off 

your boxes and bags of cans and bottles at the school in the under-cover 

area at the beginning and at the end of any day that school is in session. 

Just leave them beneath the sign that says, "Bottle Drive Drop-Off", and we 

will collect them. Thanks for your support! - Grade 12 Missions Class